Fire Prevention Week
Each year, the nation observes Fire Prevention Week on the week containing October 9th, in memory of the Great Chicago Fire in 1871,...

New Year's Resolutions
Here are the best New Year’s Resolutions I have found I, fill in name here , hereby resolve: 1. To Stop Making Lists B. To Be...

The Wise Hobo and the Farmer
A story... Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the coast. They...

Can you NOT afford Life Insurance?
Two things in American Life are certain ... death and taxes. We can help with some of the preparations for one of these by offering you Life

Can You Survive These Dad Jokes?
It's Father's Day, and that means another Special Edition blog! And what better for Father's Day than some *great* Dad Jokes?!